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Refer to this portion of the website for publications and news about hypnosis, guided imagery, mind-body skills, Transformative Living, LLC, and Dr. McDonald.

Seeking a New Normal: Voices of the Cancer Experience. A presentation delivered by Dr. McDonald for the San Jose Catholic Professionals Network on March 12, 2015

Dr. McDonald's 50 minute presentation is based upon her published research and her clinical experience in working with individuals diagnosed with cancer. In the talk, Dr. McDonald addresses the experiences of cancer patients at various stages from diagnosis to survivorship, and offers suggestions on what you can do to support your loved one at each part of the journey. Select the Play Button below to begin audio, and here is a PDF version of the presentation slides that go with the audio.

San Jose Mercury News Article: Includes interview with Dr. McDonald regarding her volunteer work at Cancer CAREpoint in San Jose, CA

Dr. McDonald's interview which is toward the end of this article talks about her volunteer work providing individual imagery and hypnosis sessions, meditation groups, and talks about living with uncertainty and the unknown. See how imagery and hypnosis are used specifically to increase quality of life for individuals diagnosed with cancer. This article was also picked up by 5 local community newspapers in: Almaden, Cambrian, Cupertino, Rose Garden and Willow Glen. Also, Cancer CAREpoint is an AMAZING group of people providing non-medical care and resources for individuals touched by cancer and their families at no cost. Get the word out - we are here for our community!!

Full text version of the article. Link to San Jose Mercury News.

The Perceived Effects of Psycho-spiritual Integrative Therapy and Community Support Groups on Coping with Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Analysis. (2013). McDonald, C. PhD, Wall, K.PhD, Corwin, D., Brooks, C., Phd, and Koopman, C., PhD.

Based on dissertation research done by Dr. McDonald and published by the European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, this study looks at the benefits of a new psycho-spiritual therapy in helping survivors of breast cancer integrate the cancer experience and live a "new normal".

Full text version of the article. Link to journal abstract. Link to full dissertation.

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