Responding To Work, Family, and Life Stress
Throughout our adult life, our family, social, and work-life continue to change:
- Marriage
- Relocation
- Retirement
- Job promotion
- Financial losses
- Caring for sick or aging loved ones
- Career change
- Job loss
- Divorce
These family, work, and life events can cause a disruption or break in daily routines causing stress, and/or can cause feelings of loss in which the life we once lived no longer seems to be within our grasp. In such situations, relationships to others and to self are often redefined, that is, what was once considered “normal” is no longer the case forcing us to adapt and evolve in response to these changes.
Even with the absence of radical change, we still experience the demands of everyday life and work. We may be required to expand our skill-set or engage in new experiences in order to gain a competitive edge in our careers, our creativity, or our athletic performance. Regardless of what the specific challenge is, in order to meet it, we must break out of our comfort zones and enter into new territory which can often be uncomfortable and stressful.
Transformative Living uses hypnosis, guided imagery, and other mind-body skills to help:
- Reduce the anxiety that naturally comes with the ever-changing demands of family, work, and life challenges
- Assess your responses to changing relationships, work circumstances, and life challenges
- Reframe how you perceive yourself, others, and situations
- Try on new perceptions that are more aligned with the life you desire
- Activate your own inner wisdom and creativity to help guide you through the change
Transformative Living helps you uncover sources of your anxiety, which in turn helps you to see yourself, the other person, or the situation in a different light. With this new perspective, you can take control over your own reactions. Suddenly, that sense of anxiety triggered by having your relationships or your life reshaped is now something you can examine, evaluate, and address on your terms. The change that was once perceived as something to resist now becomes an opportunity to not only adapt and evolve, but to thrive as a result of having actively engaged with it.
"I am grateful to Dr. McDonald for her expertise because it enabled my daughter to cope with her severe medical condition. In turn, it helped me to stay calm and regain hope. Thank you so much, Dr. McDonald!" |
- Patti Z., RN |
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