Telephone Sessions
Hypnotherapy sessions can be successfully conducted over the phone under most circumstances depending on the nature of the challenge you are facing or the changes you wish to make. A free 30 minute phone consultation will be used to discuss the nature of your challenge or concern and to determine if it can be addressed by telephone sessions.
Phone sessions are the same price and length as in-person sessions with the following additions. You must:
- Have a telephone headset that allows for hands-free listening
- Be in an environment conducive to relaxation (quiet and undisturbed)
- Complete and mail back to me all client consent forms and a life experience questionnaire prior to our first session
- Pay for all telephone charges by initiating the long distance call for the session
- Pay a flat-rate postage and handling fee of $10 per session that will be added to the standard fee for individual sessions
- Pay the fee in advance of the session by using your PayPal account or credit card. Just select
the button below.
The first session will be devoted primarily to assessing the potential effectiveness of conducting hypnosis long distance over the telephone. Further sessions will be conducted based upon the outcome of the assessments, your subjective experience of the first session, and by mutual agreement. If either party decides not to continue after the initial session, the fee for the first session is non-refundable. For more information about telephone sessions, please contact Transformative Living.
"Thank God for Dr. Cynthia McDonald! I said a few days after my colectomy surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital...Even though I live across the country from her, our distance work together was extremely successful!" |
- Alaina Z. |
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